Our product portfolio brings nature and science together to provide innovative plant solutions for a variety of formulations and market categories. We offer individual ingredients, custom blends, and clinically-researched, branded solutions that are on-trend and versatile.
Nature-Inspired Mobility and Longevity
Promentum clinically supports joint health and mobility, bone strength, nutrient utilization, and hormone balance.
Plant-Derived Trace Minerals
TraceReplace is a multi-mineral complex that recaptures nature’s trace minerals.
Coffee Fruit Solutions
A portfolio of unique and powerful coffee fruit solutions
Gut Health Solutions
NatureKnit delivers dietary fiber and polyphenols knit together for optimal gut health
Long-Term Antioxidant Support
VitAlign clinically supports free radical inhibition and long-term antioxidant protection
Natural Brain Performance
CognatiQ clinically supports a key neuroprotein vital to cognitive performance
Organic Coffee Fruit Caffeine
Coffeeberry Energy delivers 70% natural caffeine and polyphenols from coffee fruit
Nitric Oxide Booster
S7 clinically supports the activation of your body's own nitric oxide production
Antioxidant Action. Not Potential.
Spectra clinically supports real antioxidant action with 29 colorful superfoods
Strength. Power. Performance.
ElevATP clinically supports cellular ATP for strength, power and performance
Whole Food Servings
TruServ delivers a USDA fruit or vegetable serving from real, whole foods
Phytonutrient Servings
PhytoServ delivers the phytonutrient equivalent of a fruit or vegetable serving