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vitAlign®: Bring the Body Back in Balance

Everyday stressors like poor diet, stress, pollution, lack of sleep, and more can push our bodies out of balance.

When that happens, our bodies produce more free radicals than they can neutralize, overloading our natural antioxidant defense system. This can lead to oxidative stress, which is known to be one of the most important risk factors underlying a whole host of chronic health conditions.

So, how do we tip the scale back in our favor? The answer is that we need the right solution to the real problem.

vitAlign® is a broad-spectrum, plant-based complex clinically shown to reduce and protect against chronic oxidative stress, helping restore vital balance to our antioxidant system.

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VitAlign™ is a broad-spectrum, plant-based complex clinically shown to reduce chronic oxidative stress, helping restore vital balance to our antioxidant system.

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A Short-Term Fix Can’t Solve a Long-Term Problem

There’s no shortage of antioxidant supplements on the market targeted to support our antioxidant system.

But do they work long-term? Not usually. Often, these products generate a spike of antioxidant activity that quickly fades.

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vitAlign® works to bring our bodies back into balance in a way that general antioxidants do not. That’s because vitAlign keeps working over time to attack the root problem (oxidative stress) by resetting the body's levels of ROS, restoring antioxidant balance, and helping protect against long-term oxidative stress.

fruit vegetable

A potent and diverse plant complex

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Low Dose Efficacy

vitAlign® is standardized to a broad spectrum of phytonutrients. Including:

  • 60% polyphenols
  • 30% catechins
  • 3% curcuminoids

All at a single, efficacious dose of only 50mg.



  • Broad-spectrum oxidative stress protections
  • Significantly reduces ROS within 60 minutes
  • Long-term use reduces baseline ROS to a more balanced state

Key Applications

vitAlign® is an antioxidant ingredient that delivers formulation versatility within the following applications.

  • Antioxidant supplements
  • Nutritional supplements
  • Ready-to-drink / ready-to-mix beverages
  • Capsules and tablets

ROS Reduction for Long-Term Antioxidant Support

vitAlign® targets multiple reactive oxygen species (ROS) pathways to help reduce and protect against the effects of oxidative stress. Two published, peer-reviewed studies with human participants showed that a 50mg dose of vitAlign contributed to both an acute and 90-day ROS reduction for daily and long-term antioxidant support.

ros reduction

Market  Versatility

Oxidative stress negatively impacts our health in numerous ways, which means we need a versatile solution to restore antioxidant balance. vitAlign® offers formulation flexibility by delivering benefits to a range of health market categories.

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Are you ready for long-term antioxidant balance with vitAlign? Let's Talk!

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.