
TruServ® Whole Food Servings

The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans reveal that U.S. consumers are falling significantly short of daily recommendations for fruit and vegetable servings.

While many consumers may understand the benefits of making nutrient-dense, whole foods a regular part of their diet, their desire for convenience and taste, or sometimes just a lack of access, outweighs healthy choices.

TruServ is a portfolio of fruit and vegetable solutions designed to answer the call for convenient, better-for-you products. With TruServ, you can easily develop and communicate USDA-equivalent whole food fruit and vegetable servings right on your finished packaging label.

Together, we can make healthy eating easier for consumers.

Let's help bridge the nutrition gap.

Deliver Whole Food Fruit and Vegetables

TruServ® helps brands formulate with a wide variety of fruit and vegetable pieces and powders that deliver nutrition, including dietary fiber, while still being shelf-stable and versatile.

With TruServ, your product can deliver customizable servings and piece claims of real fruit and vegetables right on your finished packaging label to make it easier for consumers to get their servings.

oral supplement

Making Healthy Eating Easier

The TruServ® portfolio was developed to answer the call to bring convenient,
transparent fruit and vegetable servings to better-for-you products.

Customized Solutions

TruServ® makes it easy for formulators to create and reach project goals. Our team of TruServ experts works with you to make serving and piece claims. TruServ® features include:

  • An extensive list of fruit, vegetable, and leafy green ingredients
  • Single ingredients or blends
  • Organic and conventional offerings
  • Works within your sensory and cost targets

In addition to customized solutions, featured TruServ Powder Blends are examples of piece and serving claims your product can deliver.

Green blends

Bringing What’s Inside to Life

TruServ® delivers serving claims you can count on. With TruServ, it’s easy to see what’s inside through substantiated fruit and vegetable serving claims — right on your front label. We know serving claims matter to consumers, and, together, we can make healthy eating easier.

Suggested Applications:

  • Ready-to-mix beverages
  • Dietary supplements
  • Cereals, snacks, and bars
  • Functional foods
Increase Power
74% of consumers would be influenced to purchase a product that included fruit and vegetable serving claims on the front label1
1FMCG Gurus: Consumer Trends in USA. March 2022.
Also available, our PhytoServ® line makes it possible to deliver serving claims from the powerful phytonutrients found within fruits and vegetables.
Usda organic
plant based

Contact Us

TruServ® simplifies fruit and vegetable serving claims. What claims do you want to make? We can help you get there.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.